
KO3an Guo
Gossip Girl Season 3 <3
Hi! My Sweetheart <3
You're Beautiful<3 x 10000
Good Daddy Show <3 Hong Ki & Hee Chul
We Got Married <333)
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
K. dramas WATCHED:
1. Autumn in my Heart
2. Winter Sonata
3. Sad Love Song
4. Full House
5. My Girl
6. Kim Sam Soon
7. Which Star are you from?
8. The Daring Sisters
9. Lovers in Paris
10. Goong
11. A Love to Kill
12. Princess Lulu
14. 18 yr old Bride
19. Snow Queen
20. Jewel in the Palace
22. Smile Again
23. All In
24. Coffee Prince
25. Jumong
26. On Air
27. Lovers
28. Boys Over Flowers
29. Princess Ja Myung Go
30. Time of Dog and Wolf
31. Gourmet
32. Iljimae
33. IRIS
34. You're Beautiful
35. Lobbyist
36. The Legend
37. Beethoven Virus
38. Be Strong Geum Soon
39. East of Eden
40. Witch Yoo Hee
41. Air City
42. Cinderella Man
43. Robbers
44. Hello Miss!
45. The Devil
46. When It's At Night
The one
12 Oct
pink purple white & gold
Anything green tea/ black sesame <3
Major status: sociology.
promote promote!
5:51 PM, Sunday, January 31, 2010
current dramas airing & i'm watching =D
 Based on the manga with the same title, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge shows the life of 4 studenst. Blessed with good looks Takano Kyohei , Toyama Yukinojo, Oda Takenaga and Morii Ranmaru were given a mission by their landlord Nakahara which would provide them with free lodging if they could turn her niece Sunako into a lady. Sunako however, appears before the four of them is a spooky girl whose hair covers her face and who loves horror and vampires. And so, their tumultuous communal life begins. Ratings: 3/5 - the anime is better! Sunako was drawn most of the time in chibi form so it makes the story more comical and enjoyable.  Set during the Joseon Dynasty, Chuno follows the story of Lee Dae Gil, a man from a noble family, whose life was ruined by Kim Seong Hwan. Kim Seong Hwan was a slave owned by Dae Gil's family who burned down Dae Gil's house when his sister, Un Nyun was going to be sold. Driven by his desire for revenge as well as love for Un Nyun, he survives his harsh years on the street and makes his name as a slave hunter the past 10 years. At the same time, a man named Song Tae Ha chanced Un Nyun (now Hye Won who ran away on her wedding night) and travelled with her. Both men become entangled in a love triangle with Hye Won. Ratings: 4/5
the things people do
8:41 PM, Wednesday, January 27, 2010
strange encounters with people today. this morning, I was sitting beside a lady (prior to that we were standing near the same mrt door so i din tink i'll regret later on). AND LO AND BEHOLD, throughout the whole train ride for 30mins, she was blasting music so loud that i'm forced to listen to hers instead of my own omggg. come to think of it, not very sure if she had earphones on or she was simply listening with the speakers (the latter is even more inconsiderate). But it was so loud that people standing in front of us in the crowded train were stealing glances @ her (some just stared @ her). we could even hold a mini dance party if we wanted to cos the tunes were so hip hop and r&b lolsss. At LT 11 for my class, i guess it's either the lecturer's soft or becos the lt's so big there's a larger capacity for echo..people behind and around us were talking quite loudly. The moment my lecturer said smth and mentioned the word 'surprise (with a str8 lecturer tone)', the guy at the back went "SURPRISE (with the jack-in-the-box tone)". Three rows in front of him including my fren and I simply had to turn back and looked @ him LOLSS. OMGGG...the weird things people do these days.
11:38 PM, Monday, January 25, 2010
 Can't decide which photo to put so put all hahah...he's still awesome whether he's fat or thin or chubby or gay looking or frowning or smiling or younger or older~ what was supposed to be a blog post 45 mins ago ended up @ some random site. was snapping up pics of JGS for my desktop wallpaper! woOhoO! now he's everywhereeee...except in my wallet hehs. 2 weeks later for my last korean class, we're going to play games and eat rice cake! Omggg so exciting lolss.. must rmb to take more picturess =( my teacher was her funny self today...dunno how we ended up there but she suddenly talked about her hamsters...saying she likes her hamsters so much that she worries for them and every morning when she wakes up, the 1st thing she'll do is to rush to them and see if they're still alive or not LOLs. i want kimbab. it's becos of my humongous pics below tt my skin looks so screwed. sigh. this week seems like a busy week with the start of tutorials & all and tt means forming grps and embarking/ brainstorming on various projects. arghs. it's cos i have no ideas right now. but i like the fact tt my animal (aka crow) grp's being enthusiastic abt stuff and tt we got our ideas very quickly and we meet up diligently lolsss. maybe cos the stuff's more hands on and not so theoretical based so even if u noe nuts abt science, u can still think freely and leave things to ur curiosity~
lecturers amaze me.
10:36 PM, Wednesday, January 20, 2010
almost 2 weeks of school. impressions count! altho have gotten off on an expensive, rough and messy start with bidding, i tink i'm quite satisfied with my choices this sem? most of my lectures were enjoyable (except for China; i half dozed off while watching Deng Xiao Ping) and my lecturers were quite fun in a sense. I dunno why many of friends gave me THAT look when I'm taking animal behaviour but I always tot watching Animal Planet was an enjoyable thing (tho i din subscribe anymoreee) and we used to collect wildlife factfile cards when I was in secondary school. Guess some animals astound me (such as the komodo dragon which i'm very afraid of but still wow-ed by the fact we have such creatures on Earth)...and in Singapore, we have the monitor lizard! I guess anything tt's un-urban astonishes me lols. And our science lecturer is fun too! hahas. i thought i'll get bored to death by science lectures but i felt she is so much better than some of the modules I take in Arts (and even Soci)...perhaps cos she has many video clips and stories to tell and then they're many unknowns that I've never heard of/ encountered and it becomes more exciting cos some were first-hand knowledge. It's like being back to primary school lessons whereby ur science teacher tries to intrigue you and get you interested lolss. Another amazing lecturer I met today was the guest lecturer for my Japan-SG mod. He's from the history department BUT i tink i will enjoy history if he actually teaches 1101e lolss. OH MY; the most animated, jovial and liveliest history lecturer i've ever seen altho he goes like a bullet train. But everything he says; he made it so hyped up and exciting ( was wondering how could he not be tired going on like this for almost an hour lolsss.) And again, he made things sound as if they're simple to understand (like how ur primary/ sec skoO teachers will teach u in order for u to not hate that subject). My soci of power lecturer on the other hand handled things in a more mature approach but his voice lolsss..i find it quite jolly and some of his jokes were really hilarious and sarcastic too. hmMM..the style of my lecturers this sem. But I guess the style of teaching makes an impact on a student (for me at least) on how he/she should & would study and the reasons for willingly doing so? 3 more weeks and it's the end for my basic korean level 1 =((( I kinda like my groupmates and my teacher because altho she doesn't make use of any special techniques, her disposition as a teacher is smth many students can relate to at all times: patient, approachable, funny. aWww.
some facts make you go 'HUH'
10:45 PM, Sunday, January 17, 2010
on Animals: 1. All elephants walk on tip-toe, because the back portion of their foot is made up of all fat and no bone. 2. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. 3. The Albatross has a wing span of up to 14 feet and only needs to land once every couple of years to breed. They can travel hundreds of thousands of miles each flight. An albatross can sleep while it flies. It apparently dozes while cruising at 25 mph. 4. Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time. 5. During World War II, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs. 6. Goat's eyes have rectangular pupils. 7. Mosquitoes are attracted to the colour blue twice as much as to any other colour. 8. As a general rule in the animal kingdom, the more complex or relatively big the eye in relation to the body, then the smaller the rest of the brain. <-- So does humans o.O? 9. If you could count the number of times a cricket chirps in one minute, divide by 2, add 9 and divide by 2 again, you would have the correct temperature in Celcius degrees. 10. A cockroach breaks wind every 15 minutes. <---another reason to hate them 11. If a shark doesn't continually swim, it will sink. 12. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. 13. If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. 14. Ants are said to never cross a chalk line. So if you've got ants, draw a line on the floor with chalk or wherever the ants are coming in. 15. The male fox will mate for life and, if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate. <--- HAHAHA. 16. There is no single cat called the panther. The name is commonly applied to the leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. A black panther is really a black leopard. 17. Aphids are born pregnant without the benefit of sex. Aphids can give birth 10 days after being born themselves.
wedding pictures are so awesomee.
4:08 PM, Saturday, January 09, 2010
oh no. skoo.
9:26 PM, Tuesday, January 05, 2010
0oh skoo is starting soOn!!! somehow part of me can't really wait for school to start becos slacking away @ home is making me feel really really guilty bleahs lols. i just want to absorb like a sponge plsss lolss. just started getting hooked on korean variety shows (becos recently there's hardly any drama i wanna watch) and k variety is quite useful cos they'll put the words there as they speak so i can practise reading (at a snail's pace unfortunately) and listen to some of the expressions they use. Finished 'Good Daddy Show' last week because Lee Hong ki was in it and he's just.so.adorable lolss. but all the other people were equally entertaining and becos of this show, i went to google a bit on Super Junior (cos Kim Hee Chul was in Good Daddy as well). he's an arrogant piece of ass (get surprised when people don recognize him "i'm TOP STAR!") but he always brings laughter to the show with his unique fashion sense (a big hole @ the back of his shirt, croc like shoes for winter) & expressive dance moves.  Good Daddy is about 5 single men with very different personalities (range from age 10+ to 40) learning how to take care/ care for their 10 year old daughter...of course many ridiculous stuff along the way because the dads are usually at a loss of what to do lols.  "We Got Married" is another entertaining and hilarious show which pairs up celebrities and have them live the life of newly wedded couples. Then they'll go through interviews to talk about their impressions of the other half, how men/ women think, about issues in their marriage, feelings, love etc. And they have sets of couples with their unique characteristics (e.g.: romantic type, funny but awkward type, mischievious type etc.) I feel couples with a larger age gap are very fun to watch lolsss. I guess this is a really tough show to be in because after all it's a scripted show and you dunno how much (true) feelings to get urself involved in? On the side of a viewer, sometimes i doubt if this is what they really find themselves doing/ saying or simply acting only for the sake of the show. SX maybe you shld watch this show to get to know more about how women feel lolssss.
the year of 2009 in 2010.
1:48 AM, Friday, January 01, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! kinda forgot to write a little about 2009 lolsss. the year of 2009 of full of some ups and downs but basically i've grown lazier in 2009 (ACK dammit fact.) alot of memories were made in 2009, especially of course during my 3 months break with my ex-colleagues and during the 2nd half where i made alot of project friends~ and of course finally moved my butt to learn korean lols (i sure am a wishy washy indecisive person) but i'm really happy with it right now =); it takes my mind off things and allow me to enjoy myself! of course, there're still many more things I have to learn.. learning to be a better family member and a better friend and a better, useful person to myself (hur hur for the last part). it's still difficult for me having to maintain rapport with people around me and i'm really glad to see friends who are still there even though i don't/ hardly talk to them anymore. I should say the year of 2010 will be a very different year. I should just keep my path and options open!